Bread Cats

It's May! We've just celebrated Beltane (or May Day) a time when the veils between dimensions becomes very thin, and all kinds of magical creatures are liable to peek in on our world. Here's a favorite story for this time of year. After midnight the day-old loaves of bread in the bakery turn into slumbering … Continue reading Bread Cats

Happy Thanksgiving

I pray and affirm that we are a courageous and compassionate people, eager to heal racism, misogyny, homophobia, and hatred, to create a culture that values all life, that treasures our planet, that is willing to let go of greed and manifest a world of abundance for all of us to share. Amen Happy Thanksgiving … Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving

In Celebration of the Solstice: Abundance

In early June comes a five-day period when every peach on the tree arrives at a perfect skin-splitting ripeness and you race the birds rushing into the back yard with a blue plastic bucket. You drag the six-foot aluminum ladder from the garage climb tenuously and reach for each round fuzzy piece of fruit with … Continue reading In Celebration of the Solstice: Abundance